Introduction: Welcome to Fab Iboga. We are a sustainable farm located in Cameroon, Africa. We work with a team of dedicated individuals who expertly harvest bark from Tabernathe Iboga and Tabernathe Elliptica plants.
Navigation: Please look to the top of this or left hand side of the page for the navigation menu depending on if you are on mobile or desktop. Here you can find our products, contact information, payment information and an entire multimedia section that includes access to our YouTube channel.
Shipping: We strive to create an atmosphere of trust and confidentiality with each and everyone of our customers. We have partnerships with shipping companies on our team that allow us exceptional success rates. We can ship globally, and often get packages from payment to your doorstep, even across the world, within a week or so! Every situation is unique however, and we will do our best to provide tracking information, updates and discreet packaging options if needed.
Q&A with our founder
What are you family relations?
I am from the Pygmies family precisely, from the south region of Cameroon. My grandma is a Shaman, my grandfather was a great hunter, before his passing. They worked together to plant the Iboga tree and these are the same trees that we are harvesting to this day. This is my families farm, generations of healing can be found in these roots.
What is your own personal history with the medicine?
I was born into the NGOMA culture and I practice the traditions of my people. NGOMO can be roughly translated into English. NGOMA is a dance which is a dance during the ceremony, people are being initiated into the Iboga ceremony, so they can become clean and reborn!
When was the first time you took Iboga?
I first took Iboga over a decade ago, it was during the year of 2010. The intention I set was to link myself with my ancestors and in my village we used Iboga for spiritual healing.
Why is Iboga important to you?
Iboga is important in my life because it has helped me in many ways. One example would be the change in my life from being on the wrong direction, onto the right path for my own personal mission in life. Since the first time I took Iboga, I noticed that my primary function on this Earth and that has helped me tremendously throughout life. It is really quite incredible.
Why do you work with the medicine?
I work with this secret plant so I can help as many people as possible. These people are often still in the darkness and I know this plant spirit can open them up to the light, opening their eyes to encourage them to gain a new life and help many who are still suffering out of frustration.
Please inquire about our dedication to these sacred plants. Fruit pods are seasonal.